Friendship In Diving

Jean-Philippe and Herve have been dive buddies for years, this is their 5th visit to Lembeh Resort and they always have great dives with Critters@Lembeh. Herve is into crustaceans and  loves capturing footage of Lembeh Straits dynamic selection of shrimps and crabs, because “this critter is unique” and he“loves their behavior”....
They must have X-Ray Vision

This, by far, is the most organised and professional diving resort we have experienced!!  The staff are amazing and very knowledgeable of the sea critters habits and locations!!  They must have xray vision because we could not see many of them until they pointed them out!  Our last dive we...
Dive Center and Resort Runs like a Well Oiled Machine

Beth and Steve Watson just finish their second trip to Lembeh Resort traveling with a group from Island Dreams. They especially enjoyed diving with Critters@Lembeh dive guide Fandy and are impressed by his ability to spot critters and his knowledge in indentifying them. Beth is a professional photographer, you may...