9 Interesting Things About Fluo Diving With Lembeh Resorts
Have you tried fluo diving? For divers and underwater photographers, some of the best dives are the ones with the most color – whether it’s colors on the reef, the corals, or the brightly colored fish and critters. If you like color during your dives then bio-fluorescent diving (also known as fluo diving or blue light diving) is an experience not to miss out on. Here are 9 interesting things about Fluo Diving that you can discover at Lembeh Resorts:
1. Clarity and Brightness Underwater
Imagine the neon lights of any major city or a 1970s disco and picture that vividness and brightness underwater – that is fluo diving and we offer it right here at Lembeh Resort! It’s not just about the colors though; it’s also about the finer details which you just can’t see with the human eye. Fluo diving also allows you to get up close to fish that would usually swim away under torch light but do not react in the same way to blue light.
2. Understand More Science
Fluo diving involves using either a UV light or an LED light with a blue lens and amber-tinted eye shields. If you have ever experienced a night dive with luminescence you may understand some of the science behind it, here’s the basics: Certain marine organisms produce proteins that are capable of generating fluorescence when they absorb blue light.
3. Captures Photons of Blue Light
The proteins absorb the photon of the blue light which results in an increased energy level, the increased energy is used to emit a photon of light in return with a longer wavelength. This longer wavelength is fluorescence and is usually visible as fluorescent reds, oranges, blues, and greens depending on the individual protein affected.
4. Phenomenal Photography Opportunities
Not all marine organisms react in this way but corals are among the best reactors and unveil a myriad of details that usually go unseen, most crustaceans hiding within them will stand out equally as brightly as gaudy baubles on an already overdressed Christmas tree. Nudibranchs, cephalopods, worms, clams, and jellyfish all react well too. Some fish will react and others won’t but nocturnal species which usually shrink away from torch light won’t be startled by a blue light, allowing for some phenomenally close encounters and photography opportunities.
5. Finding Hidden Gems Among Creatures
Fluo diving is like seeing the reef for the first time – hidden gems are produced where you would least expect them and the creatures you have always wanted to closely inspect allow you to study them closely and for longer periods.
6. A Chance to Find Creatures That Really Glow In The Dark
The Lembeh Strait has to be one of the best locations on the planet for trying out fluo diving. The vast array and abundance of rare and unusual nocturnal critters means you have plenty of opportunities to find ones that literally glow in the dark! Among some of our favorites are gobies which take on a completely alien appearance.
7. Will Be More Surprised
If you’d like to experience fluo diving while you are here at Lembeh Resort – just let us know, you won’t be disappointed and it’s a lot of fun. Try it – you will be surprised. Not only will you have an amazing experience, but you’ll also get underwater photography like no other.
8. Many Critters
If fluo diving is not your thing, join our night dives to see some of Lembeh’s most iconic critters. The weird and wild underwater world of the Lembeh Strait doesn’t stop when the sun goes down – for many critters, it’s just getting going!
9. More Opportunities to See Mandarin Fish

Have you seen mandarin fish mating before? At Lembeh Resort we also offer evening mandarinfish dives to watch these exquisite creatures performing their mating dances at sunset.
Dive and Stay in Lembeh Resort
If you’d like to join us at our beautiful Indonesian resort and explore the world’s most famous muck diving sites here in North Sulawesi, contact us on: reservations@LembehResort.com
We look forward to diving with you in the Lembeh Strait soon.

Mastering buoyancy will help you in al types of diving not just muck diving and underwater photography