Happy Birthday Lembeh Resort!
Wednesday 12th December 2012 marked the 10th Anniversary of Lembeh Resort and what a great 10 years that it has been.
How did Lembeh Resort begin??! It began as the family holiday home of Alex Rorimpandey, a North Sulawesi native from nearby Tondano. What began as a single cottage overlooking the Strait grew to become a small resort, opening in December 2002 with three guest cottages. At our 10th Anniversary celebration last night, the Rorimpandey family along with the Charlton family reminisced about the humble beginnings of the resort.
Sadly Alex passed away in July 2003, but his legacy lives on in proud traditions at Lembeh Resort. Today, his wife and sons own the resort and are actively involved in its management. The resort employs and trains many local villagers on Lembeh Island and these are the people who make Lembeh Resort what it is today – a friendly and relaxing place to enjoy diving the Lembeh Strait! In keeping with his commitment to the community, Alex donated materials to build the local church in nearby Pintu Kota Kecil. This mutual cooperation helped forge a strong bond. Alex’s message to his family and staff was, “We are all owners of Lembeh Resort, so we must all take care to watch over it.”
To celebrate everyone pulled together to put together a fantastic party. There was singing, dancing and great food! Prizes were awarded to the Best Employee and Supervisor of 2012 along with a special prize to the long serving employee, Feybe who has been with Lembeh Resort since it opened. Here’s to another great 10 years!