
New School Year

We believe each child should have access to education. To help less fortunate families in nearby communities on Lembeh Island, we have initiated a Social Commitment Project to buy uniforms for the children of families who cannot afford them. The full uniform sets include sports, socks, books and pens. Our sincere and heartfelt thanks to all of our generous guests and donors! Your contributions allowed us to buy 30 uniform sets for less fortunate children in our neighboring communities.

Our next goal is to raise funds to contribute to a learning center with a computer and USB modem for internet access and a small library.We welcome your financial contributions. If you prefer to help by bringing something along when you visit Lembeh Resort and Critters@Lembeh, we suggest very basic English children’s books, coloring pens and pencils, very simple English dictionaries or group sports accessories like soccer balls. We also plan to provide basic English language DVDs to help local people improve their English ability in hopes of greater employment opportunities.

If many generous people give a modest contribution to the learning center, our goal will soon be within reach!


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