Bohadschia argus
Eyed Sea Cucumber
The eye spot marking of this species are distinctive. If disturbed it will discharge white threads for defensive and called Cuverian tubules from the anus. It is very sticky and may cost intense skin irritation and should be avoid. Size is up to 45 cm.

Types of Habitats
Please note that the variety of critters depends on the season and changes dive sites to dive site

Sand & Rubble
Lembeh’s iconic muck sites feature gentle slopes of volcanic sand scattered with debris, sponges, algae, and rubble.

Many soft and hard coral species live and thrive here, in the nutrient-rich waters of the Lembeh Strait.

With a combination of reef and muck dives, you can enjoy a world of diving experiences in one location.
Other Critters in The Habitat

Bubble Coral Shrimp
Vir philippinensis
Orange-dashed Goby
Valenciennea puellaris

Reticulate Stargazer
Uranoscopus sp.