SearchVeterbrateReefFree SwimmerWrasseWrasseInside The ClassYellow Tail WrasseBlack with horizontal rows and have white spots along the body. Yellow tail and white ringed spots on rear dorsal and anal fins. Size is up to 22 cm.Yellow Fin FlasherThe body color have orange ,red with purple to blue line and also have yellow fin. At the central dorsal fin have extend red filament. The size is up to 7 cm. Found in rubble area.Togean flasherwrasseThis species is resembles with Filamented Flasher but have lack long tail filaments and pink spots on anal fin. Size up to 8 cm.Orangeback WrasseHave 5 variation color of body red, orange, white and purple and all make line from face. Found at rubble area and size bout 8 cm.Yellow Fairy FlasherWhite to pinkish with red upper head and have 2 white bars. Have yellow margin on dorsal fin. The size is up to 7 cm.Redfin WrasseHave a brownish red with white belly, a red scarlet dorsal and ventral fin and mostly found at rubble and coral area. Size up to 8 cm.Snooty WrasseHave variable color from green, brown and red. Have black spot on front of the dorsal fin. At the tail part may have some red or white spots and whitish bars. Body is up to 17 cm.Humphead WrasseThe body color is mix with blue, green with dark vertical streak and yellowish color and have blue head . Above the eye have a small hump also at the head part. The size is up to 229 cm.Redbreasted WrasseThis species have a orange color at head part and have a white and blackish bars on the body and tail. Mostly can be found at rubble or coral area. The size is can be up to 36 cm.Tripletail WrasseWhitish under color with greenish have a brown head and 4 wide brown bars on the body. The size is up to 45 cm.Peacock Razorfish WrasseHave steep blunt head with long spine. Many kind of variation of color and pattern, mostly it can dive to the sand when alarmed and sleep at night. The big variation can be up to 35 cm of size, but for the small variation can be 3-8 cm of size.Whitepatch Razor Fish WrasseSteep blunt snout, have variation color and size of body. Have a short spine and can dive to sand area when it alarmed and to sleep. The Big size can be up to 24 cm and for the small variation can be about 6 cm of size.Filamented Flasher WrasseThis species has varying colors and 5-6 long filaments extend from dorsal fin rays. They have a deep lunette tail with filamentous lobes. They are found fringing on rubble at reefs and outer slopes. Their body size can be up to 8 cm. Rock Mover WrasseTheir front dorsal fins are antlers and they have a green to brown to maroon body color with white irregular spots and black bars. They have a white banded head and mimic bits of drifting weeds with their swimming motion. Their body size is up to 8 cm. White Spotted WrasseGolden with dark worm like, ragged white band behind gill cover. Mostly found under rock or cave . it swims with and erratic motion. The body size is about 3 cm.